Benefiting from its single-photon sensitivity, single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array has been widely applied in various fields such as fluorescence lifetime imaging and quantum computing. However, large-scale high-fidelity single-photon imaging remains a big challenge, due to the complex hardware manufacture craft and heavy noise disturbance of SPAD arrays. In this work, we introduce deep learning into SPAD, enabling super-resolution single-photon imaging over an order of magnitude, with significant enhancement of bit depth and imaging quality. We first studied the complex photon flow model of SPAD electronics to accurately characterize multiple physical noise sources, and collected a real SPAD image dataset (64 $\times$ 32 pixels, 90 scenes, 10 different bit depth, 3 different illumination flux, 2790 images in total) to calibrate noise model parameters. With this real-world physical noise model, we for the first time synthesized a large-scale realistic single-photon image dataset (image pairs of 5 different resolutions with maximum megapixels, 17250 scenes, 10 different bit depth, 3 different illumination flux, 2.6 million images in total) for subsequent network training. To tackle the severe super-resolution challenge of SPAD inputs with low bit depth, low resolution, and heavy noise, we further built a deep transformer network with a content-adaptive self-attention mechanism and gated fusion modules, which can dig global contextual features to remove multi-source noise and extract full-frequency details. We applied the technique on a series of experiments including macroscopic and microscopic imaging, microfluidic inspection, and Fourier ptychography. The experiments validate the technique's state-of-the-art super-resolution SPAD imaging performance, with more than 5 dB superiority on PSNR compared to the existing methods.
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Recent years have witnessed significant growth of face alignment. Though dense facial landmark is highly demanded in various scenarios, e.g., cosmetic medicine and facial beautification, most works only consider sparse face alignment. To address this problem, we present a framework that can enrich landmark density by existing sparse landmark datasets, e.g., 300W with 68 points and WFLW with 98 points. Firstly, we observe that the local patches along each semantic contour are highly similar in appearance. Then, we propose a weakly-supervised idea of learning the refinement ability on original sparse landmarks and adapting this ability to enriched dense landmarks. Meanwhile, several operators are devised and organized together to implement the idea. Finally, the trained model is applied as a plug-and-play module to the existing face alignment networks. To evaluate our method, we manually label the dense landmarks on 300W testset. Our method yields state-of-the-art accuracy not only in newly-constructed dense 300W testset but also in the original sparse 300W and WFLW testsets without additional cost.
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3D point clouds are rich in geometric structure information, while 2D images contain important and continuous texture information. Combining 2D information to achieve better 3D semantic segmentation has become mainstream in 3D scene understanding. Albeit the success, it still remains elusive how to fuse and process the cross-dimensional features from these two distinct spaces. Existing state-of-the-art usually exploit bidirectional projection methods to align the cross-dimensional features and realize both 2D & 3D semantic segmentation tasks. However, to enable bidirectional mapping, this framework often requires a symmetrical 2D-3D network structure, thus limiting the network's flexibility. Meanwhile, such dual-task settings may distract the network easily and lead to over-fitting in the 3D segmentation task. As limited by the network's inflexibility, fused features can only pass through a decoder network, which affects model performance due to insufficient depth. To alleviate these drawbacks, in this paper, we argue that despite its simplicity, projecting unidirectionally multi-view 2D deep semantic features into the 3D space aligned with 3D deep semantic features could lead to better feature fusion. On the one hand, the unidirectional projection enforces our model focused more on the core task, i.e., 3D segmentation; on the other hand, unlocking the bidirectional to unidirectional projection enables a deeper cross-domain semantic alignment and enjoys the flexibility to fuse better and complicated features from very different spaces. In joint 2D-3D approaches, our proposed method achieves superior performance on the ScanNetv2 benchmark for 3D semantic segmentation.
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In this paper, we study a novel and widely existing problem in graph matching (GM), namely, Bi-level Noisy Correspondence (BNC), which refers to node-level noisy correspondence (NNC) and edge-level noisy correspondence (ENC). In brief, on the one hand, due to the poor recognizability and viewpoint differences between images, it is inevitable to inaccurately annotate some keypoints with offset and confusion, leading to the mismatch between two associated nodes, i.e., NNC. On the other hand, the noisy node-to-node correspondence will further contaminate the edge-to-edge correspondence, thus leading to ENC. For the BNC challenge, we propose a novel method termed Contrastive Matching with Momentum Distillation. Specifically, the proposed method is with a robust quadratic contrastive loss which enjoys the following merits: i) better exploring the node-to-node and edge-to-edge correlations through a GM customized quadratic contrastive learning paradigm; ii) adaptively penalizing the noisy assignments based on the confidence estimated by the momentum teacher. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets show the robustness of our model compared with 12 competitive baselines.
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We propose an interactive editing method that allows humans to help deep neural networks (DNNs) learn a latent space more consistent with human knowledge, thereby improving classification accuracy on indistinguishable ambiguous data. Firstly, we visualize high-dimensional data features through dimensionality reduction methods and design an interactive system \textit{SpaceEditing} to display the visualized data. \textit{SpaceEditing} provides a 2D workspace based on the idea of spatial layout. In this workspace, the user can move the projection data in it according to the system guidance. Then, \textit{SpaceEditing} will find the corresponding high-dimensional features according to the projection data moved by the user, and feed the high-dimensional features back to the network for retraining, therefore achieving the purpose of interactively modifying the high-dimensional latent space for the user. Secondly, to more rationally incorporate human knowledge into the training process of neural networks, we design a new loss function that enables the network to learn user-modified information. Finally, We demonstrate how \textit{SpaceEditing} meets user needs through three case studies while evaluating our proposed new method, and the results confirm the effectiveness of our method.
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Objective: We aim to develop an open-source natural language processing (NLP) package, SODA (i.e., SOcial DeterminAnts), with pre-trained transformer models to extract social determinants of health (SDoH) for cancer patients, examine the generalizability of SODA to a new disease domain (i.e., opioid use), and evaluate the extraction rate of SDoH using cancer populations. Methods: We identified SDoH categories and attributes and developed an SDoH corpus using clinical notes from a general cancer cohort. We compared four transformer-based NLP models to extract SDoH, examined the generalizability of NLP models to a cohort of patients prescribed with opioids, and explored customization strategies to improve performance. We applied the best NLP model to extract 19 categories of SDoH from the breast (n=7,971), lung (n=11,804), and colorectal cancer (n=6,240) cohorts. Results and Conclusion: We developed a corpus of 629 cancer patients notes with annotations of 13,193 SDoH concepts/attributes from 19 categories of SDoH. The Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model achieved the best strict/lenient F1 scores of 0.9216 and 0.9441 for SDoH concept extraction, 0.9617 and 0.9626 for linking attributes to SDoH concepts. Fine-tuning the NLP models using new annotations from opioid use patients improved the strict/lenient F1 scores from 0.8172/0.8502 to 0.8312/0.8679. The extraction rates among 19 categories of SDoH varied greatly, where 10 SDoH could be extracted from >70% of cancer patients, but 9 SDoH had a low extraction rate (<70% of cancer patients). The SODA package with pre-trained transformer models is publicly available at
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Scene understanding is an essential and challenging task in computer vision. To provide the visually fundamental graphical structure of an image, the scene graph has received increased attention due to its powerful semantic representation. However, it is difficult to draw a proper scene graph for image retrieval, image generation, and multi-modal applications. The conventional scene graph annotation interface is not easy to use in image annotations, and the automatic scene graph generation approaches using deep neural networks are prone to generate redundant content while disregarding details. In this work, we propose SGDraw, a scene graph drawing interface using object-oriented scene graph representation to help users draw and edit scene graphs interactively. For the proposed object-oriented representation, we consider the objects, attributes, and relationships of objects as a structural unit. SGDraw provides a web-based scene graph annotation and generation tool for scene understanding applications. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed interface, we conducted a comparison study with the conventional tool and the user experience study. The results show that SGDraw can help generate scene graphs with richer details and describe the images more accurately than traditional bounding box annotations. We believe the proposed SGDraw can be useful in various vision tasks, such as image retrieval and generation.
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Generating consistent and high-quality images from given texts is essential for visual-language understanding. Although impressive results have been achieved in generating high-quality images, text-image consistency is still a major concern in existing GAN-based methods. Particularly, the most popular metric $R$-precision may not accurately reflect the text-image consistency, often resulting in very misleading semantics in the generated images. Albeit its significance, how to design a better text-image consistency metric surprisingly remains under-explored in the community. In this paper, we make a further step forward to develop a novel CLIP-based metric termed as Semantic Similarity Distance ($SSD$), which is both theoretically founded from a distributional viewpoint and empirically verified on benchmark datasets. Benefiting from the proposed metric, we further design the Parallel Deep Fusion Generative Adversarial Networks (PDF-GAN) that aims at improving text-image consistency by fusing semantic information at different granularities and capturing accurate semantics. Equipped with two novel plug-and-play components: Hard-Negative Sentence Constructor and Semantic Projection, the proposed PDF-GAN can mitigate inconsistent semantics and bridge the text-image semantic gap. A series of experiments show that, as opposed to current state-of-the-art methods, our PDF-GAN can lead to significantly better text-image consistency while maintaining decent image quality on the CUB and COCO datasets.
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深度神经网络(DNN)越来越多地应用于恶意软件检测中,其鲁棒性已广泛争论。传统上,对抗性示例生成方案依赖于详细的模型信息(基于梯度的方法)或许多样本来训练替代模型,在大多数情况下都无法使用。我们提出了基于实例的攻击的概念。我们的方案是可解释的,可以在黑箱环境中起作用。给定一个特定的二进制示例和恶意软件分类器,我们使用数据增强策略来生成足够的数据,我们可以从中训练一个简单的可解释模型。我们通过显示特定二进制的不同部分的重量来解释检测模型。通过分析解释,我们发现数据小节在Windows PE恶意软件检测中起重要作用。我们提出了一个新函数,以保存可以应用于数据子分校的转换算法。通过采用我们提出的二进制多样化技术,我们消除了最加权零件对产生对抗性例子的影响。在某些情况下,我们的算法可以欺骗DNN,成功率接近100 \%。我们的方法的表现优于最新方法。最重要的方面是我们的方法在黑框设置中运行,并且可以通过域知识来验证结果。我们的分析模型可以帮助人们改善恶意软件探测器的鲁棒性。
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在许多情况下,例如全基因组关联研究,通常存在变量之间的依赖性,通常可以推断模型中的相互作用效应。但是,在复杂和高维数据中数百万变量之间的成对相互作用受到低统计功率和巨大的计算成本的影响。为了应对这些挑战,我们提出了一个具有错误发现率(FDR)控制的两阶段测试程序,该程序被称为不太保守的多次测试校正。从理论上讲,FDR控制会费在两个阶段的数据依赖性方面的难度以及第二阶段进行的假设检验的数量取决于第一阶段的筛选结果。通过使用CRAM \'ER类型中度偏差技术,我们表明我们的过程在普遍的线性模型(GLM)中渐近地控制FDR,其中允许模型被误认为。另外,严格确定了FDR控制程序的渐近力。我们通过全面的仿真研究证明,我们的两阶段程序在计算上比经典BH程序具有可比或改进的统计能力更有效。最后,我们将提出的方法应用于DBGAP的膀胱癌数据,科学目标是鉴定膀胱癌的遗传易感性基因座。
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